Christ announced the will of God to the people of that time in the same way that I announce it to people in these times, how they may be quit of sin. He is the first-born among the few brethren of this time. Man must be ever dying until he comes with Christ to the Cross, dying to his first nature. Just as Christ felt pain outwardly in His flesh, so I must feel it in my mind. And insofar as man holds it sinful that he forgets [137] God, so he will ever be a poor sinner and can pray without ceasing. The fault is his for he is ever forgetting God.
But this is not how people think about sin. They commit sin. They pray about it. Then, man thinks, God is merciful, He forgives me. Then the pain passes, he believes, until he sins again with something bad. And this goes on as long as he lives and he never comes to God or to the new birth. If you would be blessed you have to go the way which God lets be announced through me, otherwise you shall not become holy. He who does not thus humble himself before God, as I write here, can never come to peace.
Allo people want to look at Christianity from the outside and they are far blinder than the Jews because they boast of Christ and do not share Him anymore than Jews and heathen. And they know nothing about the inward ground, and this is the great blindness. It is not meaningless that I heard it said, when I was enraptured, "man thinks that he lives by the light of day, but he is all turned about in the night." He who beasts that he is a Christian and does not find complete change within him, as I write I am, he is an anti-Christ. He who wants to see a Christian must look within himself, or he shall not find one. Christ's congregation is invisible; it is a spiritual congregation. What I announce cannot be seen with these carnal eyes nor heard with these carnal ears. Everything is of the spirit. He who has ears, let him hear, he who can understand it, understands.
A Christian has one death behind him and he has come into life and is resurrected with Christ and now dwells with Him in the heavenly places. There are only two kinds of people in the world: one from Adam, the other from Christ. When a person is born he stands in Adam's fall, however devout he may be. As long as a person still fears God he stands in Adam's fall. Before Adam had eaten of the fruit of the tree he did not fear God, rather he loved Him and had fellowhip with Him. And as Adam was before the fall, so have I been made--and better! For Adam gained God as an enemy and I shall keep Him as my Friend to all eternity. Satan could not have done better for his kingdom than to create denominations. When one leaves one denomination and goes into another and still remains as pious as before, he deems that he is closer to the kingdom of God than before: A thousand denominations may come along and be as holy as they will and think they cannot fail; they have the best and all others are false--all this strengthens the devil's domain because all denominations are sinful and stand within his domain. Withe their mouths most pious confess that they are poor sinners; and this lasts their entire lives; but in their hearts they are Pharisees.
Listen to what the Master says: Two men went to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax-gatherer. The Pharisee prayed by himself and thanked God that he was not evil like the rest of men and like the tax-gatherer. But the tax-gatherer beat his breast and said: "O God, have mercy on me for my sins!" he tax-gatherer went home accepted rather than the other man. Here you hear that he was quit of sin. And when you too find yourselves like the tax-gatherer, then shall you likewise go to your houses accepted like the poor tax-gatherer or else all your speech is lies when you say you are poor sinners. Only that counts before God which comes from Him. You pray that God's Kingdom is to come among you and that His Will is to be done on earth as in heaven. This has been fulfilled in me. the kingdom of heaven is within me. And God's Will is that I again have what died in Adam; he died unto God!
Now as God's spirit bears witness in my spirit, God has become quickened [138] within me again. No one knows this except he who has the new birth from God. People think that they are Christians and if they but live devoutly they will come to Heaven; but the poor people do not know that they are dead to God. When a person becomes sick he thinks if only he had not done this or that he could die in peace. This comes about because people know no better nor are they taught any better.
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